
Stories That take you places

HBAAFF 2024 Movies

Aliens to Friends

Animated by

Kameron Fujioka

The crew of a starship sets out to find life on another planet and find something more. 

Animation Class

Intro to Animation

A series of short stories brought to life by HBA's Intro to Animation students.  These artists draw and animate in the industry standard software Harmony by Toon Boom Animation. 

CGI Shorts

Intro to CGI & 3D Animation

A series of very short films made by students in CGI & 3D Animation.  These artists learn to model and animate in the industry standard software Maya. 

The Chase

Animated by

Maka Kamano, Julius McClain, Ryan Wong

A detective is on the hunt for a robber in this CGI sci-fi.


Written & Directed by James Kaneshige

A young man strives to show that he is different in his search for a job.  This film is also an official selection of the Hawaii International Film Festival's 'Ōpio Fest.

Don't Litter

Animated by Sekai Douk

This public service announcement shows how there are drastic consequences for others if we litter.

Don't Vape for Stress

Advanced Filmmaking

This public service announcement encourages us not to vape for stress, but to breathe success.

The Making of Finding Hope

& Finding Hope

Advanced Filmmaking

This double feature begins with a short documentary about the process of making the film Finding Hope.   It is followed by the film Finding Hope which tells the story of a high school senior struggling with answering a college application essay prompt and what it means to him.


Animated by 

Cade Matsumoto, Jaxson Cadiz, Jaylen Anderson 

Entering the Hillside Lair is easy; getting out is another story.

Phone vs. Future

Middle School Filmmaking

A student has to come to grips with spending time on his phone or preparing for the future. 

Stop Motion Animation

Film Camp

A short collection of short stop motion videos created by students at HBA's Film Camp.

Summer Job

Advanced Filmmaking

A student describes his summer job as a government agent for a department cloaked in secrecy and pulls back the veil to a mystery every traveler must wonder about.

Talk to Someone, It Could Help

Written & Directed by Cody Pien

This public service announcement encourages a young man and us all to talk to someone and get help when needed.

We Can't Smile Swimming in a Trash Pile

Animated by

Anela Murata

Fish struggle to survive in an ocean littered with trash in this computer generated imagery (CGI) public service announcement.

Untitled Super 8 Film

Advanced Filmmaking

This film is currently in pre-production and will screen on the website after HBAAFF.

The below films screened at HBAAFF 2023  

Agent Rover

Written, directed, and animated by Gino Caruso

(Personal Animation Project, High School Student)

Agent rover is a police dog tasked with tracking down a cat burglar. Things get personal when he realizes that the stolen item was the museum's prized bone. High speed chases, skydiving, and explosions ensue. 

Animation Class 2023 (C Period) 

(Intro to Animation, High School)

A series of short stories brought to life by HBA's Intro to Animation (C period) students.  These artists draw and animate in the industry standard software Harmony by Toon Boom Animation.

Animation Class 2023 (D Period) 

(Intro to Animation, High School)

A series of short stories brought to life by HBA's Intro to Animation (D period) students.  These artists draw and animate in the industry standard software Harmony by Toon Boom Animation.


Directed by Drew Lohr

(Advanced Filmmaking, High School)

Crawling through your backyard you can find many wonders from the insects to the small anoles. Hear how the anoles got to the island and how they live today. See the lizards as they hide in the brush. Now is your chance to open your eyes to the small world of the anoles.


Directed by Kaneshiro-Takeuchi 

(Advanced Filmmaking, High School)

A new dog owner shares about the experience of getting and owning a dog.

Don't Be Mean Behind the Screen

Written & Directed by Ronin Viloria

Edited by Alessia Park

(Basic Filmmaking, Middle School)

This public service announcement (PSA) shows the real life effects of people's online behavior.

Don't Let Life Pass You By

Written by May Shiraishi and edited by TJ Koki

(Basic Filmmaking, Middle School)

People spend too much of time on their phones while a better life is moving all around them.  This PSA encourages people to live life to the fullest. 

Don't Stall Call

Written by Logan Watkins and edited by Maya Wong

(Basic Filmmaking, Middle School )

Sometimes there is an emergency where 911 needs to be called and the bystanders use their phones to film the emergency instead of calling for help.  This PSA encourages people to call and not stall.  

End Game: 

The Psychology of Chess

Directed by Jeffrey Lau

(Advanced Filmmaking, High School)

This short documentary explores the ancient game of chess as a battle between minds.

Fight Screen

Written & Directed by Gino Caruso

(Advanced Filmmaking, High School)

What happens when the rules for a film festival change?  Deep interpersonal dramas, plotless special effects, or creative chaos? 


(Fisherman's Song at Dusk

Directed by Drew Lohr

(Advanced Filmmaking, High School)

This music video features Katie Chen playing 渔舟唱晚 (Fisherman's Song at Dusk) on the gu zheng, (a Chinese plucked zither).  It was also filmed on multiple formats including Super 8 motion picture film.  

Golf Grind

Directed by Ethan Nouchi

(Advanced Filmmaking, High School)

A young golfer shares his story of beginning to take golf more seriously.


Edited by Caitlin Kakuda

(HBA Film Camp, Summer School )

This sci-fi fantasy mashup is a retelling of Lewis Carroll's poem Jabberwocky from the book Through the Looking Glass.  

Just in Time

Written by Brenden Ahuna and Directed by Lydia Halcomb

(Intro to Filmmaking, High School)

This comedy about a student facing a deadline demonstrates what happens when you are out of ideas and in over your head.  

Nuts, Bolts, & Waffles

Directed by Gino Caruso

(Advanced Filmmaking, High School)

This documentary follows the Pac5 robotics league state championship game.   NOTE:  This film will be posted at a later date.

Oxygen Low

Written by Jeffrey Lau & Aaron Brock, Directed by Drew Lohr

(Intro to Filmmaking, High School)

An astronaut exploring Mars needs to get to safety before he runs out of air, but there are more dangers that lurk in the shadows...

The below films screened at HBAAFF 2022  

Movie Audience PSA

The Tourist

The Runaway

Mixed Media Stop Motions

Animation Class 2022


What Hula Means to Me


This film is currently in pre-production and will screen on the website after HBAAFF.