3D Photo Gallery


Each attendee of HBAAFF gets a free pair of red/cyan glasses to enjoy the 3D anaglyph photography created by students in Basic & Advanced Photography.  Click through the presentation below to view the photos.  Also, if you wonder how these pictures work be sure to take a look at the slideshow at the bottom of the page that explains it.  There are also instructions if you want to create your own 3D images.  

3D Anaglyph Photography
How 3D Anaglyphs Work

The above presentation explains the science behind how anaglyph photography works.

Make Your Own 3D images

If you want to create your own 3D pictures follow the instructions that the students use to create their images by completing the Parallax, Anaglyphs, & 3D Photography Assignment 

(Don't worry, you won't have to turn them in or be graded.)